Saturday, March 8, 2008

I am still shaking!!!

Today I had the scariest things happen to me. I thought I would go and buy something new to wear to church because I have to talk in sacrament, so I headed to some stores. I got to the second one and I just had a weired feeling because I saw this guy keep popping up wherever I was, I tried to shrug it off, until I was looking at some necklaces and he was right there when I looked up acting like he was looking at some to. I wanted to say "Are you following me." but I didn't. So I got creeped out and couldn't find anything anyways so left.

So I was driving and remembered that there was a store I wanted to go to but missed the turn and so got stuck waiting for traffic and thought in my head if that guy was following me well he just caught up, but I thought I was just being funny, so I go to this other store and look around found something cute so I went back to the kids cloths and turn the corner and there he was, He gave me a look and I think I turned white, I started shaking I am sure, and jumped on the phone and told Erik that I think I am being followed. He said to go tell the people at the front to watch me leave, but there was a ton of people there so I looked to see if he is watching us and he was so I put the dress back and moved over by the doors and as soon as he turned his back I ran out and got into the car locked the doors and drove away.

I called Erik back and told him I didn't want to drive home because if he did follow me then I didn't want him to know where we lived. So I drove towards another store with my eyes locked on my review mirror, when I just about pulled into the next store I looked back and there was a younger guy in the drivers seat and an older guy, the guy I thought was stoking me right behind him like he had just jumped in the car and they finally found me, the were riding my butt, my whole body started shacking bad, and I call Erik almost in tears telling him that this guy is right behind me. He said just come strait here, (he was at school studying) he would have the security guard there with me so if they followed me in here they would take care of him.
But lucky for me, the car passed and they were Chinese just like the man at the stores but luckily not the same one, just someone in hurry and they had to be behind me and almost give me a heart attach. So that was my scary day.. I still am a little shaky just thinking about how scary that was.


geraldandmeganlove said...

What a scary experience. I am glad that everything turned out okay and that you were able to avoid something terrible. Thank goodness we pray for portection when we wake up and go to bed at night. Something that has become so rutine in our prayers really does help us when we are in truble.

Wolfley Family said...

Tina - I've had that happen before. It's super scary. One thing I learned later was that if in that situation again, drive to the nearest police station - if the person is up to no good, they won't follow you there.

kandis said...

holy crap! I'd be so scared. I'm glad you're ok.

Guh said...

creepy. That's soo scary! I'm glad it turned out okay.

Jessie said...

Tina that is so scary. Now I don't know if I want to come back to Portland. :) No, that could happen anywhere. I am so glad you are safe and home with your family. Way to be on your toes and quick about your decisions.