Monday, March 17, 2008

House sitting!

Ok, I cant hold in my excitement any more, we got asked to house sit my friends house while they are gone for spring break and let me just tell you, I AM SOOOO EXCITED!! I know she is reading this and just laughing but there are so many reasons why I am so excited. Let you JUST tell you 10 of them...

1st- We live in a basement and the THERMOSTAT is set at 64 upstairs so let me just say I AM FREEZING!!! What ever skin isn't covered is icey cold!
2nd- I love my In-laws upstairs but they are up all night and I can hear them walking around, and the DOG RUNNING through the house.
3rd- I can put Sadie in a crib and not worry that she is to ICE SICKLE, and not get up so much to make sure Ethan has BLANKETS on him.
4th- I can go on a WALK and not get hit by a CAR or fall of a CLIFF.
5th- Its Eriks Spring break and if were here, Everyone has SOMETHING for him to do!
6th- This is just my DREAM HOUSE!! (don't worry I will repent latter!)
7th- There is a huge room just for ETHAN!
8th- EVEN better a Craft room JUST for me!!
9th- Did I mention how COLD I am?

Don't get my wrong I am sooo greatful for where I live and I do love it! I am just excited for a big change for a few days!! Thanks for asking us~ and who know your Spring Cleaning Extravaganza just might be done when you get back, ok, ok, your right, its not going to happen ;) But the truth is there isn't anything to clean, She always has a very clean house!


Catherine said...

Have fun house sitting. It is always nice to escape to someone else's hosue for a while. PS All the comments you made about living in the basement. I totally understand. We are living in a basement too and all those things I feel the same. It is still like 30 degrees outside and our landlord has the air conditioner on at night. I get pretty cold and I am pregnant and suppose to be hot all the time. I understand the people and dog walking around upstairs too. I am grateful my parents dont live too far away so I can escape for a while!! Enjoy!

The Woolner Family said...

Ah yes, I understand. Although, we have a gas woodstove that I can turn on anytime to warm up--I'd gladly trade for your kitchen and laundry room. Don't worry, school will be done before you know it. The lights at the end of the tunnel!

Emily said...

You are killing me! Thanks for helping us out, we really appreciate it. Have a great vacation! Oh, and please let us back in when we get back!

Child Family said...

I know exactly what you mean when you say that you would like a change for a few days. I wish that I could leave my apartment for a little while. Hope that you have tons of fun being able to be warm and spreading out a bit.

The Bee Family said...

Yah for you! How fun is that! We all need a little vacation sometimes! Well I hope you have tons of fun! Oh to answer your earlier question yes our house is in our hometown so next time your around give me a call!