Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hubby Tag

What is his name? Erik, Hon, Babe

How long have you been married? Just over 3 years

Who long did you date? Yep only 4 months

How old is he? 26 in May

Who eats more sweets? Me, Erik doesn't really ever eat sweets, although he does like my Monday night treats.

Who said I love you first? He did I think

Who is taller? He is, I couldn't have married someone shorter then me.

Who can sing better? He can, he sang to me at our wedding! Thats how I fell in love with him, he sent me a CD and my heart melted.

Who is smarter? Hands down, Erik is.

Who does the laundry? Me, unless he sees he won't have any pants clean unless he throws a load in, but it's very rare!

Who pays the bills? He does, mostly

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does right now, just because I had no other place to put the bassinet.

Who mows the lawn? If only we had a lawn, he would do it.

Who cooks dinner? Me. Erik does on special occasions and he goes all out. It is sweet!

Who drives? He does most of the time, unless he needs to study.

Who is more stubborn? He is... I give in to anyone way to fast.

Who kissed who first? He says I went in for the kill, but hey I will clam it. (I thought he was trying to, we were at a concert and anyways...

Who asked who out first? This is a tricky one, he did I guess, I kept making up excuses for him not to come and meet because I was still dating someone else. But he finally did, and there was on turning back.

Who proposed? He did on top of the conference center, he had to talk to allot of people to get the ok to leave roses up there. All the old people that worked there were in on it, so I was getting all these smiles from everyone.

Who has more siblings? I do, with 2 bro's and 3 sisters, he only has one of each.

Who wears the pants? He does, when I'm not home. hee hee

I tag whoever wants to do it!

1 comment:

Josh and Leslie said...

Josh sang to me at our wedding too...I loved it! Actually, Chad Woolner wrote the song..."My Sunshine Is You" cheezy, but I loved it!! You guys are cute...