Thursday, January 31, 2008

There are few things better then...

There are few things better then Smiling Children!

This is a fun new game of tag, it has a twist to it! I found it on my friends and followed it. The rules: "The topic of this one is "There are few things better than..." and you must finish the sentence. The rules are a little different, though. Read all the way through my post and then go to the comments. If you are the first one to have read it, post in the comments that you are "it" and immediately go to your own blog to post your completion of the sentence. If someone else has already commented that they are "it", follow the trail of blogs through the comments (giving you a chance to read everyone's sentences) until you get to post your own, being sure to copy the instructions for the next person. Pictures are optional :) Have fun!"


Anonymous said...

Ah, ha! I'm not sure why I couldn't see your family blog this morning when I checked, but it's there now. When I started this tag the whole point was that we had the chance to meet lots of new people by following the tag to everyone's posts :) Thanks for playing with us!

smiliesar said...

I love those little smiles. I guess I am it since calista (I think she already did it) didn't say she's it.