Sunday, January 27, 2008

What!! No Church??

I have to laugh of all the years in Rexburg with the the freezing cold wind and snow, Church never got canceled. I talked to my sister the other day and she said it was below zero, so I started laughing when I heard church was canceled today because the snow, it is 39 degrees and this is how much snow there is! So I am sorry for all of you that have to trample through the snow to go to church today, when we don't even have enough to make a snowman, well you just need to move out here to Portland where people cant drive in the snow, even if it is just a flurry, not even an inch!


geraldandmeganlove said...

Ha Ha, thats pretty funny. I hear that the whole town shuts down even if we get a little spinkle. Luckily it hasn't gotten cold enough to snow down here yet. Yea, I kind of appreciate all those times that we had to ford the snow to get to church in Rexburg too. I am enjoying a snow free winter this year.

Guh said...

so what did you do with your church-free sunday!?

Tina said...

It was a great day, all but the sad news at the end! We watched us a bunch of church movies that Ethan picked out, Played some games and read some scriptures! All in all Great day!!

smiliesar said...

Out where we lived there wasn't much snow but by the church there was over 3 inches and ice under that. That was why church was canceled. We went to my parents in the afternoon to celebrate her b-day and they live by the church and had tons of snow. Just thought you would like to know.

Anonymous said...

This is too funny! You found my blog through a tag on the blog of someone else you know, which is a fairly fun/random way to meet people. So the funny part is that we live in Monmouth, just southwest of Salem :)