Monday, February 25, 2008

Im Back!

Well I am back to reality, (well kinda of) I just got done reading twilight, new moon, and eclipse. I have never been so hooked on a book my whole life. I now have to get out of Fork's and Bella Swan and Edward life's. Until August as I wait for that magic month to finish my dream land story. I do have to say I didn't like that last book as much, I read it a lot slower because I didn't want it to end, but it was a little to gory for my liken. But I do love these books, even thought I would have never thought about reading about vampire and werewolf.


Josh and Leslie said...

What's the next read on your list?

Josh and Leslie said...

What's the next read on your list?

Tina said...

Well I think I am going to take a LONG break, at least until august, before this book I read Kingdom and the Crown they were really good. Do you suggest any?

Josh and Leslie said...

Umm...let's see...The Notebook and the sequal The Wedding are among my favs. The Notebook is way way better than the movie and I absolutely LOVED the they are easy reads...I have both if you're interested. I actually love to read so I own way too many books! I get it from my mom, so really if you want you can come visit our own library...seriously, it's ridiculous!