Thursday, February 7, 2008

FHE Swap

Today we had our FHE Swap and it was so fun, I now have 13 F.H.E. lessons ready to go!! Here are some pictures of like what we did, This is my friend Emily's lesson, (She took these pictures so I am stealing them from her.) So thanks Em~ These lessons come from the most recent Conference Talks, we have an outline of what needs to be in them so that they are all some what alike! That is what I have been working on for the last few days!! So it is like Christmas here with all my new lessons, just wish is was Monday!


Guh said...

that font she used is super cute!

u are so good to have all that put together- we have a hard time sitting down and having a serious lesson when it's just the two of us- i just feel cheezy- especially if aaron wants to sing, i refuse if it's just us two!

give yourself a pat on the back, you're awesome!

Brandon and Emily said...

Ethan and Sadie are so cute. We need to plan our get together for sometime.