Saturday, October 20, 2007


I went back to the Doc and got a ultra-sound and the baby is were she needs to be, whoopee!! So it makes me feel allot better to not have to worry about her flipping around now! I couldn't remember with Ethan how much sleep during this last few months I don't get, I am up all the time.. I don't know how I get things done... I think the nap that I have with Ethan every afternoon has saved me big time, when I have time to take it! I just hope that I can get the new babe to sleep when Ethan sleeps because I think it will be nice to sleep again without the back pain.
Also at the doc. I found out what the huge thing on my head is that I get it every time I am pregnant, I have wanted to find out for so long but I have forgotten every time that I go in but now it is huge. Anyways it is a Hemangioma which means "is an abnormal build up of blood vessels in the skin or internal organs" If you knew me for the past 2 years you have probably thought I had a big zit on my head that never went away, I get it all the time from you CTR 5 class, I would put a picture up but I am always trying to hid it... Well they told me that is should go back down after the baby is here and then I can get it removed, so until then I still have to live with this ugly, huge, red bump on my head that I am always trying to hide.


Rachel Holloway said...

YEAH for the baby! Way to go!! Isn't the last little bit of pregnancy SO uncomfortable! I would always tell people that I was so excited for the baby to be born so I could SLEEP again. Nobody believed me because supposedly babies are up all the time. Even so, I sleep SO much better NOT pregnant than when I not miss that back pain! Good luck!

JT42 said...

Yeah, she twirled are going to have a little dancer :) Not too many days exciting!

Wolfley Family said...

You know, it's ironic but I think we get more sleep even in the first couple weeks with a new baby than during the last month! And btw, Greg had a hemangioma on his forehead when we were dating and first married... some incompetent military doctor told him it was a canerous tumor (we were married for 6 weeks... imagine our fear)... then he goes to a specialist who was so ticked at the first doctor's diagnosis - apologized big time for the unnecessary concern it caused us and had it removed in a matter of minutes.... you're the first person I've heard of besides Greg in having it - glad to hear it's only temporary :)