Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I thought it would be a good day!! :(

Well, I don't know if you can start your day off worse than mine... I woke up with a really bad back ache, and every time I moved my leg I almost dropped to the ground because of a Charlie-Horse! I then decide to feed Ella while Ethan and I showered. Lately, it’s been a power struggle to get Ethan into the shower. He loves it once we are in, but that first step of actually saying “time for a shower” is terrible!! So, as we are getting out, I smell something really bad. With my pregnant nose, everything smells really bad. But, this was strong! I new Ella had pooped somewhere, and sure enough I found it. While I am walking into my room to get something on so I can take Ella out side, I step in some pee! With all this frustration, I am calling for Ella; and of course she knows she did something wrong. So, she won’t come. While I am cleaning the pee, I hear a drizzle and look over and Ethan is peeing on the floor! There is the 3rd mess I needed to clean up… I then began telling Ethan how he needs to be a big boy and pee on the toilet. I thought he was done. NOPE! I went in the other room to get his cloths and heard the well known pushing sound and ran out to see that Ethan had pooped on the floor. Back in the shower for him; and back on the ground for me! And I thought it would be a good day! On a good note, I have seen the sun the last 2 days!!! Yahoo!


Rachel Holloway said...

Reason #4,567,777 why we don't have pets. :)

Chrystal said...

ahhh! Ethan is sooo big! and so cute! We miss you guys so much! We are in Virginia now, we really wish we were closer!

www.thesinglelifeofastudentwife.blogspot.com said...

oh man! I feel for you!!!!!!Isn't it great?!??! haha.

JT42 said...

you just gave me a reason to see that my day wasn't as bad as i thought it was...i am SO sorry! that is not a good way to start the day, I sure hope it ended okay.

geraldandmeganlove said...

I have had one of those days. I am sure you will have many more like that when you add another baby to the mix. I can't wait till we can have an OUTSIDE pet for the kids to play with