Tuesday, May 6, 2008


So Ethan is in this "mine" stage which is slowing down quite a bit but reading this makes me feel better that he's not just being a brat, he trying to be an individual.
it came from baby center-

When your preschooler announces, "Mine!" while clinging to his truck in a playgroup, this isn't so much a selfish refusal to share as it is a cognitive achievement. He's now able to see himself as an individual and, as such, capable of ownership. His declaration of "mine" is his way of saying he understands that you — and the other children — are separate from him.

Ethan is a non stop Whyer- it is "Why" this and "Why again mom.." it usually end up by saying well Heavenly Father made it that way. It is so funny but really he never stops talking. Yesterday we went shopping and this basket fell off the table and the sales lady picks it up and Ethan as loud as can be, say "THANKS LADY" she started laughing as did I- and then this guy came in with his dog and Ethan says- "Look mom, He's returning the dog." Which I don't know where he knew returning.. but he said it and of course another lady started laughing! He is pushing my buttons lots of times but he has been so sweet with his words- Like when he ripped his ABC chart in half he said "Sorry mom, it was an accentent." I couldn't get mad at that. He is our little talker and we love him so much!


stephanie and sean said...

I love hearing about Ethan's development and achievements. He is getting so big!

JT42 said...

you are so patient and understanding, he's lucky to have a mom like you.

Alisha said...

He's such a funny boy. We had a great time playing and having him over here this morning.

melissa t. said...

I am glad to know that Harrison is not the only one that is territorial-he has been telling other kids, "That is MY mom!" if they come and talk to me. Kids are too funny.

The Woolner Family said...

Yes, Sam is in the "mine" stage too. But he says, "Mine! Yours." so then I feel a little better knowing he's thinking of others too.