Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Everything post...

We had a fun birthday for Erik we went to Portland and eat at PF Changs with some friends we made though Eriks school. It was fun, we went over to a bookstore that is like a whole city block and looked around. Then came back home and the boys went and hit the 60 golf balls I gave Erik for his birthday, and Hailey and I just started talking and found out that she knows my sister and a ton of guys that I knew- (I pulled out the old Rexburg album and of course its a small small world.)

So Erik was born in 82 not 81- So now you can laugh at me... I could go fix it but I like to laugh at me to.

The GARDEN!! look how it has grown, I have been making the best salads lately, oh and the taste is so hardy. Sad to say, I think the birds got my pea plants, there were holes like someone just stuck their finger in there. So sad peas are the best part.... I only have 2 that made it.

So at church today Ethan got his first shiner, it was bubble time and he got a little to excited and tripped and landed on the shoe of another kid, who also got a bonk on the head- (I think that is what happened) I will have to take a picture tomorrow so you can see it! Its pretty good! You can kinda see it in his eye here, but it is already a lot darker.


Wolfley Family said...

Was the bookstore Powell's??? I *love* that store and it is HUGE!! Happy Birthday to Erik!!

JT42 said...

oh my goodness, we are just planting our garden! i cannot believe that ethan got such a good shiner in nursery without a fight :) i don't think my kids have experienced that yet...don't remember though ;) love reading your posts!!

Guh said...

i love changs! yum!