Thursday, May 8, 2008

Can you wiggle your ears??

I had to put this in here because when Ethan came home the night this happened he talked about it so much that I thought he found a friend at the church. But when Erik told me this story I was so happy that Ethan was there. I love our dear Prophet, he has already connected with Ethan with his great ability to wiggle his ears!

It is so true, what We do our Children Will Follow! I am realizing that more and more, as Ethan is saying and doing more and more of what Erik and I do, and what others do!
So that makes me so careful of what I watch, listen to, and say! Thanks President Monson


JT42 said...

so cute, what talent our prophet has!

Janel said...

I am glad you posted that video, because I've been wanting to see it. Anyway, Tina thanks for all your uplifting post, you inspire me, thanks for your example.

smiliesar said...

That is wonderful! Thanks for sharing. Kevin told me about that and I forgot to look it up to see.

Anonymous said...

That is so cute!!

Child Family said...

That is so true. I catch myslef saying things all the time that I don't want Ryanne to hear. We really need to watch ourselves. Thanks for posting that video. Dan told me about it, and I really wanted to see it myself, so thanks!!

stephanie and sean said...

I am SO glad you posted this. I have watched it over and over and over. I remember Sean telling me about it when he came home from the priesthood session and I have wanted to see it so badly ever since. You are the best!