Thursday, September 18, 2008

SiLlY FaCe

Ethan Loves to give us a gooffy face everytime we take a picture of him, here are just a few that I have. I need to figure out how to do the thing where you put all your pictures into one picture!
I need to add some of his funny things he says,
Well today he said, "Mom, you need to call me Rocker Ethan, K" He is always saying mom watch me rock, and if you know Ethan he is so quite and shy, but at home man he Rocks out! Where ever he got that, makes me laugh.

He tells me every day Tucker is his bestest bestest in the EVER wide world friend. That make me so happy, I want them to be bestest buds, if only they got to see each other more!
We were at the temple and he said look mom Macaroni, it was so cute!!
Ok last one, in bed tonight he said WHATEVER- and Im like where did you learn that one?? He said you were talking to Grandma and her name is Susan (ok, just in case I was wondering I guess) and you said Whatever. It was funny, he said it all slow and everything just like you do when your 12! He is to funny, and I wish I could just jump on here and record all the funny things he says!


Matt, Emily & Dylan said...

Tina I love reading your blog.. and oh my gosh about carol.. I started to cry and now everytime I think about her.. a lot.. i get so emotional. I can't even imagine. I will for sure keep them in our prayers! It makes me even more greatful for the little things like my eyes and that I am able to "hold" Dylan! She must be very strong for our father in heaven to give her those trials. WOW is about all I can say! Your family is so darling. I love the blogging world and seeing pictures of everyone!! Well take care!

Janeece said...

He is such a cutie! I love it when they say silly things without really meaning too!!

Alisha said...

Macaroni! :) Love it. Reevkah used to call him "Rah-moan-I".

JT42 said...

so cute, it's so funny to hear what kids will say...that reminds me a lot of how Bryant was at ethan's age :)
love reading your blog!!