Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Im leaving on a jet plane

On Sunday night Lisa Erik's sister called and asked if I wanted to come out and help her with her kids and stuff. So today is my cram day, I have 2 bags to finish and pack, it will be the kids and I flying TOMORROW.... I'm a little scared to be flying by myself with them but also VERY excited to! So if any of you have any good ADVICE with flying with kids, please let me know!! I am flying to Sacramento California and it is only like an hour and 20 min. so it wont be to bad(lets hope). I told Lisa I could stay as long as she needs me. So if I don't post for awhile I'm just hanging out in CALIFORNIA!

so Emily, I don't know if we are ever going to have a Friday!!


Sarah Stout said...

Wow! That's so awesome... have a fun trip!

P.S. Can I tell you something ironic about this trip? I was just deciding to go down to Oregon to stay with a friend and I planned on calling you up to see if you wanted to hang out sometime this week. I'll be down again soon enough, though, and we can hang another time! I'd love to see you! :)

Haley and Jon said...

Oh, have fun! I hope it is nice and sunny down there for you.

Josh and Leslie said...

Keep them in their car seats! It will be a pain to get them on, but they sit so much better during the plane ride! We always have Sawyer in his...even if Sadie doesn't have a paid seat...request one if there is room...have a great trip!!

Alisha said...

Good luck Tina. You are so nice to go and help out.

JT42 said...

i've only ever flown with one and if i would've have known i would have taken his carseat on the plane!!
good luck, have fun and keep us posted on your helpful "vacation"-i'm glad you're in the situation to be able to help!!

Alisha said...

Looks like fun! I wouldn't mind some fun in the sun right now! It seems like summer is forever away!

The Woolner Family said...

Last summer I flew across country from North Carolina by myself with both kids. I recommend a portable DVD player, coloring stuff, and lots of snacks. Good luck. Have fun and tell Lisa "Hi" from me.

Joey and Michelle Chandler Family said...

Hope you have fun! It's always fun to take a trip!

Rhonda Shaffer said...

I did get your darling family pictures and Valentine lstter. Thank you for keeping us in your files! I gave Hillary a picture too. Hope you are having a great trip and the flight wasn't toooo hair raising.
Love Mom Rhonda