Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sadie's Stitches

On Thursday we were having a pretty normal day until we came in from swimming and Sadie decided to run in to the corner of the wall... She said she tripped... all I heard was a big crash and saw her fall. So I ran over and grabbed her head then it started gushing blood- I grabbed the towel we had from swimming and put presser on it. I was car-less so I ask Ethan to find my phone so I can call Erik. By this time Mitchell starts screaming- he cries as soon as anyone cries. So I had two screaming I am trying to call Erik and Erik's phone doesnt work.. a whole other story.. and so I call the office and I am sure she just heard the screams of two kids and me saying kinda have an emergency. So he was home in like 2 mins. I was sitting there still in my swimming suit. I go and change and we take her in. at first I thought we could just glue it but then there was a triangle shape missing. But Sadie she did awesome!  As soon as we got there she didn't cry at all. She said the nurse was really nice but looked like a witch... And then when she got the stitches she was just looking at me through the little hole they have in the paper thing... ya if you ever had stitches you know what I mean.. She was just telling me the whole time that she was going to get a big new house castle thing because they said she will get to go pick out a prize..  I kept telling her it might just be a sticker.. and she got a doll.
This is getting really long.. She did great. We just took out the stitches last night.. Well Erik did- hopefully there wont be a huge scare.

Ethan got stitches to just on the other side.. Here's his stitches post when he was just a baby


smiliesar said...

putting Neosporin on it will help the scaring.

Alisha said...

Sooo sad! Poor Sadie, but what a brave, brave girl! I'm glad she got a doll out of it.