Monday, April 14, 2008

Scardy cat...

So I watched "I am Legend" this weekend because so many people told me how good it was... OK out of the like 10 people I asked about the movie they never told me it was scary! I had a blanket over my eyes like the whole time, And after the movie I made Erik come with me to the bathroom! And I hated the ending of the movie, so stop reading if you plan on watching this because I am going to tell you why I hated it! Even though he found a cure how would that help the night scary people they wont just come to you with help they want to eat you! Oh I didn't like the movie, I may have liked it 5 years ago when I was a scary movie fan. But I gave up on them now that I am a mom, I hate being scared did I say that already!


stephanie and sean said...

I too can't stand scary movies. I HATE the way they make me feel. I got the same reviews of that movie... everyone I spoke with LOVED it! I had my mom tell me about it and after her summary I refused to watch it. Ekch!

Wolfley Family said...

Tina, we felt the same way!! Greg & I had heard tons of great opinions about it and it had Will Smith (who we typically like his movies), so we didn't really read up on it. It was way too scary for us - I was frustrated that no one told us it was such a scary movie - and we watched it at night! We ended up watching some HGTV just so we could go to sleep without nightmares....

Tina said...

Jamie that is sooo funny! That is exactly what we did after! HGTV is where its at, I tell Erik that everyday!!