Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mitchell is ONE

I know lots of pictures... but he is our little cutie- we love him so much and can not believe how fast this year has gone- Our oven door came off the beginning of this week, so I had nowhere to cook my cake and so my dear friend Beth who I visit teach let me cook the cupcakes there. Then she offered to let us use her house to have him a little party- with well just us and Beth and Brogan- It was fun! He was so cute.

Mitchell Likes:
to dance.. you will not ever see him hold still if there is any type of beat
to scream.. mostly to get what he wants
to snuggle with mom
to play with Sadie and lay his head down on her
to bite all the tips off of Ethan's Nerf darts
to be toasted on the couch by dad
to take a bath or shower... I find him in there all the time
And to walk.. yay he is now walking and getting very good it is funny how once they get it they just take off.
He says Mow- meaning more...
Dat- meaning what's that?
and he jabbers and sings which I just LOVE


Alisha said...

Cute Mitchell! I wish I lived nearby--I would have happily baked your cupcakes for you! Looks like it was a darling party.

Heath said...

Baby Mitchell turned ONE! Wow! I can't believe it. Looked like a fun celebration for him. And love the family pictures! =)

Joey and Michelle Chandler Family said...

I can't believe our babies are growing up so fast! Cute party decor!