Monday, May 10, 2010

pinning ceremony

This was awhile back when Erik had a pinning ceremony. His school is now a University so the name is changed so they got new pins this year.  I didn't know about his ceremony until the morning of (thanks babe)  and I had a party thing to do so I couldn't go but I sent my mother-in-law and the kids to watch. 
We are proud of Erik because he just got his board test results he took at the end of last quarter and he passed!! So he only has to take one more board test sometime, and one more other hard test the end of this quarter! He works so hard and its fun to see him treating people and becoming a great Chiropractor.  He is done in December and then we will see where the next adventurer takes us.

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Congrats to all of you for making it this far . . . the end is in sight!