Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"Joyful Moment of Motherhood"

JMM's This is what my friend made up, it is great! And what a better place to put my Joyful Moments of Motherhood then right here. So here is my First JMM.

Ethan has a friend named Conner and conner is a "Big Boy" because he goes potty on the big toilet and he wears underwear, since Ethan played with conner he now wants to be a "big boy" and wear underwear as well. So we went and got him some cool CAR'S underwear, and things are looking good. He is telling me every time he needs to go and I am asking him ever 15 min. But then he came into my room and stands there looks at me and I see him all of a sudden start dripping. So I run him to the bathroom and we try again. After his cute little face looks up at me and says "sorry mom it was an actcennet".......SO
2nd pair- no warning just number 2 and that is all I will say.
3rd pair he made through all that day. Now he is sooo excited to be a big boy he hates it when I have to put his dipper on. So Ethan is now a "big boy" even if you ask him if he is hungry he isn't because he is a "BIG BOY" So this week is going well, we will just see if he keeps his excitement up.

Here a video of Ethan singing a song, sorry for the guys in the background hopefully you can hear still hear Ethan!


Child Family said...

Ryanne is kindof potty training. One day she does really well, and then the next she doesn't. I am hoping that she will just one day start and not stop. That is great with Ethan. Hopefully Sadie will be easy as well.

stephanie and sean said...

This is SO cute. I love that he isn't "hungry" ... he's a "big boy!" I'm terrified of potty training and I don't even have babies yet! It's a good idea to find a playmate who can set the example. what a good incentive!

Guh said...

too cute! that's awesome!

Lana Knapp said...

Tina- Your family is so cute!! That is cool Ethan is potty training. Matthew is not a bit intrested. Where are you guys living now? I added you to my blog.

Alisha said...

Hooray for your JMM post! That video is so cute, too. Go big-boy Ethan!!