Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Party!!

Click on it and you can see the cute wording!

The best part of Halloween for me is party's I don't know if it was because of my sister's birthday in Oct. and we always had a sweet party for her. or just because I love to fight my way to eating a whole donut in less then a minute!!! This year I got this SO CUTE invite, and cant wait to dress up the kids who you will just have to wait for the pictures to see how cute thier going to be...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

wE lOvE faLL!

I tryed to take some pictures on wen. of the kids but didn't work out so great this one was the cuties I thought and their not even looking. Its just sweet how their so into the leaf.

I have been wanting to post for sooo long, but our internet is still killing me. I am making my self do one... Last night after Erik got home we racked the leaves, and of course Ethan just LOVED it. I made my self go out there and take some pictures. Even though Im not a cold person, I DONT LIKE IT, I HATE BEING COLD.. anyways Ethan and Erik really enjoyed runing into the leaves with Ethans bike.
We were just happy to see dad, he had 2 tests this week so he was gone WAY to much!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sadie 11 months

Today Our little Sadie turned 11 months she's not little anymore, oh wait she never was little- well there for like a month! She is a sweetheart, she is saying- Ball, AhOh, Baby, Go, and Car (yep, she got that one from Ethan) She is so close to walking it is going to happen any day. Well my bet is the end of this month.. Come-on Sadie! She loves to dance and laugh at her brother. She's a doll!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

All in a good day!

Today was a good day!! (Monday that is) usually my Mondays do not go well but this one did. We picked grapes from our yard and juiced 30 quarts of grape juice today and to top it off Erik made dinner. Ok- he warmed up left overs, but hey I didn't have to do it!!! Erik started school back up today, and we had a great lesson on Tithing with MM's included!! Which I am way excited for all our new Family Home Evening packets! So Yahoo for a great Monday, they don't come around here often enough!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Sad day, Eriks Dog (really Susan's) died while we were watching it when the in-laws were out of town. Its sad Max the dog was 15 years old, it was his time to go, awhile ago he did something to his leg and has been hopping around on 3 legs for awhile, and he was getting pretty old. Now that two dogs Ethan has known have gotten hit by a car, he is so careful anytime we are outside by any cars. He will cry until I hold his hand. Its good I guess but sometimes I want my leg all to my self!!

Ethan is at that age where he is correcting me ON EVERYTHING!!!! let me just tell you a few that happened just TODAY! I say "Ethan will you get the light" He says... "GET the light?" Ya... "No mom, turn off the light."
Then I say at the table.. which I usually don't call Erik dad but I did I said, "Dad, will you pass the water" and Ethan says "Mom, He's NOT your dad, he's mine."

"Mom, I want candy I'm 2 and a half, and 2 and half boys get candy!!"