Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

I had a sick day yesterday and sadly again today, and watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang for the first time, and loved it, I am a musical fan, I am counting down the days until I can go home to watch 7 Brides for 7 Brothers.

YES, I am planing a trip home in June, Yahooo!! I cant wait!!

So, Ethan officially married me yesterday, he was wearing my high-hills and gave me a hair band ring and told me that we were married! I felt so loved- to be married to such a big boy who is now POTTY TRAINED!!! YEAA

Monday, April 28, 2008

Welcome Home Mom!!

My sweet mom went to Mazatlan Mexico with some of her friends last week, she said it was great, They went to the beach everyday and a vender there after the week was up proposed to my moms friend, how could you Not fall in love with some 50 yr old beauty's !! My mom said it came strait from a book, it was sweet love (for him at least), nothing physical but it sounds like an amazing vacation and who would not like a little love to make it all that better!! I am so glad you all had so much fun, and that you made it home safe and not remarried!! (This lady who got prposed is a widow, so there was no hanky panky going on... Just if you were all wondering... they are just some hot mommas!!)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

What a fun but busy week! Well this is what I have been working on all week, my friend had her 30th Birthday party and we were to come up with a scrapbook page for her. So there you have it, my first in a very long time!!

This week was great I had a fun Girls Night out and we ate at oh I forgot the name somthing Tomato... Really good! Then Friday, a girl who I visit teach it was her husbands b-day party, Had some amazing Pizza and he had a sweet Light Saver cake because he is in love with Star Wars. Than we played some games with everyone we had fun, Erik was so happy to have a brake this week was a tuff and he has another tuff one to go!

Then this morning we had Stake Relief Society Women's Conference which was great, I went to a class about getting the most from Personal Scripture Study, Then Cooking ahead on a budget, and Proclamation-Based Principles of Parenting. They were all so good, I would go into them all but this post is going to be long enough.

So tonight I went to a surprise b-day for my friend it was so much fun! When we got there we each wrote a few questions down that she had to answer about her, it was fun I asked her when her first kiss was, what was something her mom didn't know (it was sweet her mom and sister flew in to surprise her to) and if she was in love with a Vampire?... it was so funny so after that last question there was a comment from one of the guys there about how Twilight is filming at his school and that they are looking for girls 18 yr. old or older to play as extras and so since I look like I am 18 or 12- we think I should do it! So you may just see me in the movie!! But the party was great, found out some exciting news, and eat the BEST food ever! Just like any party at their house!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Good, Better, Best

I don't know which thing is just good, or better they are all Best!
But 3 things that are just so nice are:
GOOD Sadie just started to take a binky!! (now its not just me she thinks she has to suck on, yahoo!) you would think I would have a picture of her with one but I don't yet, and this one was just so cute.

BETTER Erik got his Doctor bag, so it feels like he is a Doc. he can check our ears, our eyes and wow, you really can hear the heart beating loud with that thingey! It just seems more real now with this Doctor stuff. Now Ethan thinks he is a Doctor, he found a doc. toy at his friends and he had a break down when we had to leave. So we now know what his next gift will have to be.

This one is for sure a
Ethan has done just amazing with this potty training!!! He made it all weekend with only 3 messes even at church he did great. We put him in a pull-ups only for the 2 hours we weren't with him. But Sunday night he woke up and yelled "MOMMY I NEED TO GO POTTY" so he went at 3:50 and then in the morning. And he has made it all day today as well! So Yahhoo!! He totally just loves it now, It might just be because he has gotten like 3 new cars and a ton of treats!! Whatever works, I think! Yeah I am so happy it is not fun to have 2 in diapers.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"Joyful Moment of Motherhood"

JMM's This is what my friend made up, it is great! And what a better place to put my Joyful Moments of Motherhood then right here. So here is my First JMM.

Ethan has a friend named Conner and conner is a "Big Boy" because he goes potty on the big toilet and he wears underwear, since Ethan played with conner he now wants to be a "big boy" and wear underwear as well. So we went and got him some cool CAR'S underwear, and things are looking good. He is telling me every time he needs to go and I am asking him ever 15 min. But then he came into my room and stands there looks at me and I see him all of a sudden start dripping. So I run him to the bathroom and we try again. After his cute little face looks up at me and says "sorry mom it was an actcennet".......SO
2nd pair- no warning just number 2 and that is all I will say.
3rd pair he made through all that day. Now he is sooo excited to be a big boy he hates it when I have to put his dipper on. So Ethan is now a "big boy" even if you ask him if he is hungry he isn't because he is a "BIG BOY" So this week is going well, we will just see if he keeps his excitement up.

Here a video of Ethan singing a song, sorry for the guys in the background hopefully you can hear still hear Ethan!


I love to watch American Idol and I am routing for Brooke White who I just love, she reminds me of my sister Candi who sings REALLY good. And, she is Mormon!! Yea for Mormons, She is from Mesa, AZ.

It is just so fun to see her the only girl on there that dresses modest, and how you can see the light in her eyes, I think it is great to see our church getting out there. GO BROOKE GOOOO!! I am so glad she didnt get booted tonight!

(Thanks mom for not telling me, you really made me think that it was her!)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Wow 5 months

I cant believe it has been 5 months!
Sadie is sitting up now, rolling over and just cracks up for Ethan! She loves her brother, she smiles every time he looks at her. They will be good buds, Ethan is loving getting that reaction from her so he is always making her laugh!
Ethan kept pulling my head into the picture, but they look cute in this one! So I had to add it!

Quote of the week

"Our families need the peace of God in their lives, and if we can't
or won't invite the Lord into our lives, then our families become a
reflection of our own turmoil. Women are asked to be nurturers to
their families, but we must also be firm; we must be the hard rock
footings on which our homes can stand. Our families need us to
speak peace to them, just as the Lord speaks peace to us. Our
homes need to be places where our families and friends want to
be, where all who enter our homes can draw strength and courage
to face the challenges of living in an increasingly wicked world.
Our children need to hear us 'talk of Christ, . . .
rejoice in Christ, [and] preach of Christ' (2 Nephi 25:26) so that
they may know to what source they can look for the peace that
passeth all understanding' (Philippians 4:7)."
Kathleen H. Hughes

Scardy cat...

So I watched "I am Legend" this weekend because so many people told me how good it was... OK out of the like 10 people I asked about the movie they never told me it was scary! I had a blanket over my eyes like the whole time, And after the movie I made Erik come with me to the bathroom! And I hated the ending of the movie, so stop reading if you plan on watching this because I am going to tell you why I hated it! Even though he found a cure how would that help the night scary people they wont just come to you with help they want to eat you! Oh I didn't like the movie, I may have liked it 5 years ago when I was a scary movie fan. But I gave up on them now that I am a mom, I hate being scared did I say that already!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Another Good Mothers Who Know!

So I went to Mothers Who Know group again today and it was soooo great just like every time we meet! We talked about a lot of good stuff but the the thing I wanted to share was this. Some of a talk given by Elder M. Russell Ballard last week titled Daughters of God.

If you would like to read or listen to the whole talk it is here.

But here it some of his talk that I just loved!!! Sorry so long!! BUT OH SO WORTH IT!!!

The first question: What can you do, as a young mother, to reduce the pressure and enjoy your family more?

First, recognize that the joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction.

Third, even as you try to cut out the extra commitments, sisters, find some time for yourself to cultivate your gifts and interests. Pick one or two things that you would like to learn or do that will enrich your life, and make time for them. Water cannot be drawn from an empty well, and if you are not setting aside a little time for what replenishes you, you will have less and less to give to others, even to your children. Avoid any kind of substance abuse, mistakenly thinking that it will help you accomplish more. And don’t allow yourself to be caught up in the time-wasting, mind-numbing things like television soap operas or surfing the Internet. Turn to the Lord in faith, and you will know what to do and how to do it.

Fourth, pray, study, and teach the gospel. Pray deeply about your children and about your role as a mother.

The second question: What more can a husband do to support his wife, the mother of their children?

First, show extra appreciation and give more validation for what your wife does every day. Notice things and say thank you—often. Schedule some evenings together, just the two of you.

Monday, April 7, 2008

What made me smile today!!

Peas are sprouting!! Wow that was fast!

This burger at Claim Jumpers, It's called the "Widow Maker" You can see why- it's huge!!! Thanks Mark and Emily for one last night out before Erik had to head back to school and for sending this sweet picture!!

A conversation this morning- It started out with Ethan throwing a tantrum because he didn't want to have quite time, a.k.a. Nap time.
Mom: "What was that?" (talking about how he was kicking his legs on the couch, and freaking out).
Ethan: "attitude!"
I couldn't help but laugh, I always say, What's with the attitude, or you need to get a better attitude bud! So I guess this little guy has figured out what attitude is. This picture is another time that Ethan was showing me Attitude!!

The last thing is the movie about Twilight, this is the Cullin family in the new movie, this made me smile because it took me back to Edward and the sweet story that I so miss! I just hope this movie is not rated R, I can hope that Stephenie Meyers can ask for it to just to be PG13, But who knows- I have the story in my head already, I do like who they picked it fits well in my mind, Oh and they are filming here in Portland!! I was telling my mom how this book looked just like my back yard!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

home sick

While the boys were at Priesthood Meeting Sadie and I had a fun time learning how to sit up without any help, she was on a roll she would sit there for quite a long time. Then we had tummy time which she loves because I am the bad mom that lets her sleep that way... another shame on me, things... Sorry the pictures stink, still working on getting a new camera.

Sadie is my sweet little chuck, that is now fatter then 97% of all the other baby's her age, so GO, SADIE, GO!! I knew my dad would like to see some pictures of her without a big bow or flower on her head so these are for you Dad!!

I know I have a home and I am in it everyday but I was truly home sick for my family for the last two days!! So I guess you would call it "family sick". It happened in October too. Watching Conference is one of my most favorite things to do, and growing up we always had the whole family together for a nice lunch and for conference bingo. So not having that anymore really gets me down, I know I need to start my own family traditions for Conference, I will work on that for next Oct. But not having my mom and sister to hang out with while the guys were at priesthood just is not fun at all! So Family I truly missed you this weekend.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Square Foot Gardening

WHAT A GREAT DAY!!! It was so warm today, and we got our garden done!! Yahoo

So- square foot gardening is the way I wanted to plant a garden this year, because if you were like me, then you hated weeding the garden growing up. This set up is the best way I have found to do a garden it is so worth the money if you like fresh fruits and veggies!!

What you do is build these 4 by 4 ft boxes we did 4 for now, then put ground covering on the bottom. Next you need to have the perfect soil, which is equal parts of Compost, Peat moss and Vermiculite that was my job yesterday. Today we put the rope to devide up the squre so you have 16 one ft. squares in each box. Then time to plant, you can make them like a quilt, like I planted my pees on the four corners. But this way you will never have to pull weeds and you have the perfect soil forever.

This is the guy who invented it, you can go to his web site at HERE
Happy Planting to everyone!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I hate the dentist :(

So, I had to wake up extra early today to go to the dentist and so that is why you see me half smiling, Half my face was numb and Erik couldn't stop laughing at my smile. But what was really bad is that on my way home I was not paying attention, Ok I looking at my teeth in my mirror when I thought this guy had gone and he was stopped so BOOM I hit the guy, It was hard because my airbags came out and I took off his bumper. Totaled my car, So then my car shuts off and the guy gets out and cames over and yelled "WHAT ARE YOU DOING- don't you know that it is April fools day!!" Ok~ before you get mad that you just wasted your time reading my fake post just laugh!! It really was funny!! I got my mom and dad both with this one!!

I really did go to the dentist and half my face was numb...